Quotient Labeling of Corona of Ladder Graphs
Dr.P. Sumathi, A. Rathi, A. Mahalakshmi
DOI: 10.29027/IJIRASE.v1.i3.2017.80-85
Collaborative Mind Mapping Test Case Trasability Matrix Techniques
K. Rajasekaran, T.K.Nithyarao
DOI: 10.29027/IJIRASE.v1.i3.2017.86-92
Mod(k) Vertex Magic Labeling in Generalized 2-complement of some Graphs- Paper II
P.Sumathi, B.Fathima
DOI: 10.29027/IJIRASE.v1.i3.2017.93-101
Combination of adaptive median filter with ACO for eliminating the impulsive noise from colour images
Rahul Malhi, P.S. Maan
DOI: 10.29027/IJIRASE.v1.i3.2017.102-105